Non Covid Cancer Clinic

We at, HOC Vedanta always believe in patient’s well being and disease free. As you are aware, N-COVID-19 has taken its toll globally and we at Ahmedabad are also grappling with one of the worst pandemic of all times. It is unique and unprecedented in very many ways. Even our medical fraternity is rather clueless about its ultimate remedy that might take time to overcome this disease. It has unsettled livelihood of people, scrambled the dynamics and disrupted our daily lives, for at least some time in future.

We are confident that we shall deal with any challenge that is thrown at us, like always. We also would like to reiterate our determination that we stand united to fight the pandemic out, in our complete solidarity and might. HOC Vedanta has been concerned for the health and safety of our Patient. We provide our patient the necessary safety environment with all the precautions and a strong commitment for preventive measures for all.

We are taking following precautionary measures on daily basis.

  • Social Distancing at waiting area.
  • Chemotherapy drug preparation with proper safety measures.
  • Thermal screening and sanitizing area before premise’s entry.
  • Patient and relative’s screening by medical officer before OPD/IPD entry.
  • Safety gears for frontline staff.
  • Special Triage area for immune-compromised patients.
  • Daily fumigation and sanitization of patient’s ward, waiting area, outside premises and consulting rooms. Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Happy !